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This Is What Happens When I Sprain My Knee

The Couch Chronicles

You know what’s one of the best feelings in the world? When you have something to look forward to. You know what’s an even better feeling? When that something happens weekly!

Although it may be a recreational thing, if you’re meeting up weekly to compete in whatever it is you do, you definitely do not treat it as a recreational thing. Slow pitch baseball becomes your World Series. Co-ed soccer becomes the World Cup. And you better believe your weekly Pokemon Card meetup becomes the POKEMON WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS (Crazy…I know!)

Enter: Pickup Basketball

Growing up playing basketball obviously I wanted to play in the NBA. Then I discovered skateboarding and friends who pulled me in other directions and that dream dissolved into summer slushies and Jackass videos.

Then I grew up and realized there were guys like me everywhere who also wanted to play in the NBA but settled for a high school gym on Friday nights instead

Basketball is a very rough sport, don’t let anyone tell you any different. And just because it might be the recreational version does not mean you won’t come home with random bruises and scratches.

Or in my case, a sprained knee. Thus, this week’s edition is coming to you straight from the couch.

One of these things is not like the other

This week's issue is a 4 minute read:

🍝 What is AI doing now??

🛸 Move Over Bermuda Triangle

🕹️ More reason to stay on the couch

AI all up in your face

I think I did it to myself - every other tweet as I scroll through Twitter is ChatGPT related. OK, I did do it to myself. But in my defense, I was just trying to keep up with the hype around this AI stuff so it didn’t take over my life…like it eventually will. Don’t think you’re safe from The Terminator either!

You’ve got Bing, you’ve got Bard, and you’ve got Bong. The last one is not an AI platform but I would not be surprised if it was used to help the developers create the first two, if you know what I mean.

Horrible dad jokes aside, we are officially in an age where you can type and talk to a computer and it will give you back lines of code to build an app in seconds. It will also give you back pictures of anything. In the lastest progression, people have created AI models that will give you audio and video of what you said you wanted. Although video is not quite there yet, see below.

That all said, AI to me feels like what Blockchain felt like in 2017 when the world started waking up to cryptocurrencies and a ton of “revolutionary” alt coins were created with “better blockchains” and “quicker transactions”. Enough quotations for you yet? TLDR: none of them ended up getting used for anything relevant enough in the real world. So yeah…

That said, I do think the fact that ChatGPT can write lines of code for you based on a regular English command is pretty cool - software development is going to get shaken up a bit. But other than that, big businesses have been trying to figure out how to adopt AI into their processes for a good ten years now, if not longer. I don’t think we see this crazy AI revolution that all of Twitter is talking about. And if you aren’t on Twitter, you might not ever notice much of a difference to begin with.

Where the $%&# is that plane??

In keeping with the crippled on the couch theme this week, I’ve been watching a lot of Netflix. And as much as I’d love to write about Love is Blind Season 4, I was reminded by another Netflix show (MH370: The Plane That Disappeared) that people have been looking for a missing Boeing 777 for 9 YEARS. A giant Malaysian Airlines plane flying over 200 people simply vanished either in the Indian Ocean or the South China Sea.

The fact that it could’ve landed in one body of water or another is mind blowing.

Official Malaysian military radar claims to have picked up the plane as it went in the opposite direction of its planned route, towards the Indian Ocean - this data has never been released to anyone in the public, of course. Meanwhile people online searching satellite imagery have claimed to have found debris in the South China Sea.

And then there’s this guy below, who is said to have found the most debris of the plane so far, yet none of the debris truly spells out what really happened to the plane - let alone if all of it is truly from MH370.

The adventurer, Blaine Gibson

One thing is for sure, if you were ever looking for a rabbit hole of a good conspiracy to jump into at 12:50AM, a simple search for MH370 online will take you there. Also the Netflix docuseries was pretty good, IMO.

They’re trying to keep me on the couch forever

Anyone else forget or even knew that you can download Netflix games from their mobile app…sort of, kind of? I remember when they announced this back in 2021 and wondered, why? I couldn’t tell you what games they have because frankly speaking, why would I want to play games through the Netflix app? To find your answer look no further than Google’s Stadia.

This past week a developer on Twitter noticed code that suggested that you could use your iPhone as a controller to play a Netflix game on your TV.

I remember when Microsoft came out with this big ugly black box called “XBox”, and thought, this is nothing like Nintendo or Sony, no thanks. Then I bought an Xbox 360 and spent every waking hour in my early 20’s playing Call of Duty Modern Warfare online. That said, given how many platforms are available for gamers these days, why oh why would one want to move over to Netflix, even if you can use your phone as a controller? 

Maybe I’ll be wrong and you’ll see me writing about this novel innovation Netflix came out with around gaming. Or maybe it’ll end up like most other gaming platforms.