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  • Dumpster diving for your identity

Dumpster diving for your identity

And the 6 figure chat room job

When I first got my driver’s license and was actually allowed to use my parent’s car, the amount of life advice I received from them exponentially increased 20 fold. Whether I wanted to hear it or not, I received life advice on the regular about who I hung out with, where I hung out, and probably their favourite - how I drove. My dad in particular was very worried about me getting pulled over - so much so he specifically told me not to wear my hat backwards while driving because the police would see that and immediately think I was up to no good.

I actually didn’t like wearing my hat backwards while driving anyway because the brim would hit the headrest.

The one piece of advice that my dad forever made sure I did was dispose of my expired credit cards carefully. I remember walking through the mall with him as he disposed of cut up pieces of an old credit card in multiple different garbages. He was paranoid that someone would firstly, go into the garbage and secondly, piece together the 113 pieces he cut his credit card into. Nope, not embarrassing at all.

This past week I received a new debit card and a new health card in the mail. Did I immediately think of going to the mall to dispose of the pieces in multiple garbages? Not quite. But it did make me think, has this actually ever happened? Well, turns out it has! Someone was caught dumpster diving in the US for personal identification cards that they then used to commit fraud.

I suppose my old man’s advice reigns true, cut those cards up so no one can read them in your garbage!

Yes, that is my red and white health card from when I was a baby

This week's issue is a 3 minute read:

📺️ Hollywood put down the pen

🛹 Skateboarding is the new crossfit

📱 Job Alert: Chat room security guard

Are you ready for some reruns?

What do “Heroes”, “Lost”, “Scrubs”, “Grey’s Anatomy” and “Breaking Bad” all have in common besides being probably the last TV shows you watched with commercials? They were all affected with production delays because of the Hollywood writers strike back in 2007. It’s been 16 years since Hollywood effectively came to a halt while its writers asked for more money. And they’re back on strike again. This time around they still want more money but they also want to ensure they get compensated the same way for both broadcast TV shows and streaming TV shows.

They also don’t want anyone using AI to write any TV shows or movies - jokes on them, Twitter is all over this

So who’s affected by this strike? Well for starters, every late night talk show - if you still watch them? The Jimmy’s of the world can’t do their monologues or segments without someone writing for them. Crazy, isn’t it? The last time there was a strike it lasted 100 days and delayed all kinds of shows. This time around with streaming, the likes of Netflix have said that they can last a good year without new content and be “okay”. THAT’S BECAUSE WE KEEP STREAMING THE OFFICE OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

Want to know what became REALLY popular as a result of the last writers strike? Reality TV. Want to know what show in particular blew up as a result of reality TV’s surge?

Thank GOD for streaming services

Skateboarding is…exercise?

One of the most painful yet joyous things you can learn in life is a trick on a skateboard. Look at the shins and/or ankles of any skateboarder and the scars will tell you how hard they tried. Even just the sheer experience of cruising on a board and not feeling like you’re going to fall backwards on your butt is a feeling like no other.

Learning tricks aside, imagine you’re looking to burn 400 calories. You can run for 40 minutes, swim for 45 minutes, or lift weights for about 30 minutes. OR YOU CAN SKATEBOARD. According to MyFitnessPal an hour long session of skating will burn 400 calories for you. Who knew the amount of kicking and pushing you do on a skateboard could be the equivalent of running a 5K?

Beyond the physical health benefits of shredding the gnar, according to a USC study, skateboarding also significantly increases mental health as well as a sense of belonging and community. Well duh, all the skaters hang out together in the parking lot behind the school. Turns out all those emo kids in highschool weren’t so emo after all.

With all those health benefits how could you not feel comfortable trying to do this:

Backside 360 kickflips are good for the soul

This week in salaries that make your jaw drop

OpenAI is hiring for a Discord Manager. If you’re not familiar with Discord, it’s a chat room app. If you’re not familiar with what Discord Managers do you can click the link or see my summary below. And if you’re not familiar with OpenAI then YoU dOn’T uSe TwItTeR.

The role of a Discord Manager is to manage the Discord chat. The chat becomes a bit of a community therefore you end up managing the community. As long as the community stays happy and thrives, you’re doing your job. Yes, you could probably do this job if you were 12 years old.

Not sure if you clicked into the link yet but just so you know the job pays $180,000 USD! To manage a Discord chat. To watch people talk. To make sure the community is being a community.

Who knew all those years in AOL chat rooms could finally pay off 😒 


I’m dead.

(Mother’s Day is 2 days away)

This is how you make $180,000 a year